+357 99829426
About the Course
Are one or more of these sound familiar?
You are currently at an unhealthy body weight / you are not comfortable with your current weight
You have been dieting for years but the results do not satisfy you
You become uncontrollable with food
You consume large amounts of food, even when you are not hungry
You experience negative emotions during and after eating
You have a love-hate relationship with food
Food is used to deal with stress
You have little or no success with diet and exercise plans
You usually eat too fast
You consistently feel "bloated" after eating
These are just some of the reasons to join the Mindful Eating program
We all eat, and sometimes, we do it without paying much attention. Whether we're in a hurry, socializing, or finishing everything on our plate simply because it's available, we often eat mechanically without any awareness.

We may turn to our favorite foods (chocolates, sweets, chips, cookies) to cope with stress, boredom or other feelings by consuming them quickly without really enjoying the flavors after the first few bites.
Practicing mindfulness allows us to bridge the connection between our mind and body, encouraging us to slow down, engage with ourselves, and truly matter.
The Mindful Eating (MB-EAT) program includes a non-diet, inclusive, health and wellness approach to disordered eating, binge eating, mindless eating, emotional and stress-related eating, and weight concerns to support you to cultivate a healthy relationship with food, your body and yourself.
This program is based on research approaches of NIH-funded programs, evidence-based experience, and multiple investigations.
To date thousands of participants have been helped and you can become one of them.
---Attendance prerequisites
There is no attendance requirement and no knowledge of nutrition or anything else is needed.
The program:
10 Sessions (+ 1 follow up session at the end of the program)
Session Duration: 2 hours
Material (Leaflets, journaling, recorded material)
Guidance and Support throughout
The sessions will be held live (Nicosia). In case you miss a session you will be given the material and guidelines
Start: 11/1/25
Basically, the sessions will take place every Saturday or some Sundays. The detailed program will be given to the participants.
Cost: €380 early bird | €450 (after 7/12/24)

What some of the research says:
Significant Weight Loss in Mindful Eating Group VS Control Group Weight Loss (Fuentes Artiles et al., 2019)
Mindful eating can affect energy intake or even the quality of the diet (Grider et al., 2021)
Randomized clinical trial N = 138 obese women - three intervention groups: Conscious diet with moderate energy restriction (ME + MER), MER and Mindful Eating (ME). Significant weight loss in the mindful eating intervention group Weight Loss (Pepe et al., 2022)
Randomized Clinical Trial - (sensory attributes of food - effects during lunch on following snack. Two groups. Experimental - lunch while listening to audio clip (concentration on sensory attributes of food) VS control group. After two hours a tasty snack was offered. Experimental group consumed significantly ↓ snacks VS control group (Seguias & Tapper, 2018).
The mindful eating group consumed fewer high-energy snacks (Allirot et al., 2018)
People with food addiction had a lower mean mindful eating score and those with lower levels of mindfulness had a higher risk of being addicted to food (Kaya Cebioğlu et al., 2022)
Consumption rate influences energy intake with mindful eating playing an additional role (Hinton et al., 2021)
---Registration & payment
After registering, the trainer will contact you by phone. Please note that there is a maximum number of participants so that the necessary attention can be given to each participant individually.
Once the position is confirmed you can choose either payment via bank account that will be sent to you or cash payment at the first session. To reserve a seat, a deposit of 150 euros is required
Allirot, X., Miragall, M., Perdices, I., Baños, R. M., Urdaneta, E., & Cebolla, A. (2018a). Effects of a Brief Mindful Eating Induction on Food Choices and Energy Intake: External Eating and Mindfulness State as Moderators. Mindfulness, 9(3), 750–760. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-017-0812-0
Fuentes Artiles, R., Staub, K., Aldakak, L., Eppenberger, P., Rühli, F., & Bender, N. (2019). Mindful eating and common diet programs lower body weight similarly: Systematic review and meta‐analysis. Obesity Reviews, 20(11), 1619–1627. https://doi.org/10.1111/obr.12918
Grider, H. S., Douglas, S. M., & Raynor, H. A. (2021). The Influence of Mindful Eating and/or Intuitive Eating Approaches on Dietary Intake: A Systematic Review. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 121(4), 709-727.e1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2020.10.019
Hinton, E. C., Ferriday, D., McCaw, T., Seguias, L., & Tapper, K. (2021). Are the effects of mindful eating on food consumption influenced by rate of eating? Appetite, 157, 104888. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2020.104888
Kaya Cebioğlu, İ., Dumlu Bilgin, G., Kavsara, H. K., Gül Koyuncu, A., Sarioğlu, A., Aydin, S., & Keküllüoğlu, M. (2022). Food addiction among university students: The effect of mindful eating. Appetite, 177, 106133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2022.106133
Pepe, R. B., Coelho, G. S. de M. A., Miguel, F. da S., Gualassi, A. C., Sarvas, M. M., Cercato, C., Mancini, M. C., & de Melo, M. E. (2022). Mindful eating for weight loss in women with obesity: a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Nutrition, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114522003932
Seguias, L., & Tapper, K. (2018). The effect of mindful eating on subsequent intake of a high calorie snack. Appetite, 121, 93–100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2017.10.041
Your Instructor
Christiana Mouski

Dietician Nutritionist with a master's degree in Clinical Dietetics
First degree in Food Technology and Science
Completed MB-EAT professional training through Mindful Eating Training Institute (METI) USA with Andrea Lieberstein, founder of METI