Electro-Acupuncture and Weigh Loss
Electro-Acupuncture, Stress and Depression
Energy requirements for Athletes
Hypothyroidism / Hashimoto’s disease & Nutrition
Menopause and Nutrition
HIIT (High intensity interval training) - Did you know...?
Return to routine with extra weight..? Or not!
Nutrition and Life-Style in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Multiple Sclerosis and Nutrition
Cranberries & urinary tract infection
Can food be addictive? Symptoms and Treatment
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Nutrition
Breast Cancer - Choose Pilates
Low-fat Chocolate milk as a post-exercise recovery aid. Γάλα σοκολάτας μετά την άσκηση.
Obesity: Main Treatment Recommendations & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Curcumin - Bioavailability Enhancement & Gut Microbiota
Tryptophan - Bioavailability & Mood Disorders
Αλκοόλ-μεταβολισμός & υποθρεψία. Alcohol- metabolism & malnutrition
Διατροφή και Καρκίνος του Μαστού / Nutrition and Breast Cancer
Έχω Σύνδρομο Ευερέθιστου Εντέρου; - Irritable bowel Syndrome (Greek & English text)